COVID - 19

Pass Sanitaire / EU Green Pass

In order to access or update your EU Green Pass / Pass Sanitaire with a booster from another country we require one of the below 2 numbers:
*French Social Security Number
*Code Patient from your vaccination documents

Without one of these we *cannot* search for you in the system, it does not allow to look you up by Name, Passport, Phone number or anything else. If you do not have your Code Patient then you must go back to the place that vaccinated you so they can check their private records for the code patient, it cannot be located anywhere else.

In order to transfer your vaccination information from an external EU country we will need:

*Lot Number for each shot
*Date of each shot
*Official card or certificate from your country showing the vaccination

If you bring these to the office we can enter all your information into the vaccine system to generate a QR Code. The cost for this service is 50€

Recovery Letters

In order to receive a recovery letter from the doctor you need to have official evidence of your positive result. After you have isolated for 7 days and you have no symptoms bring your positive result to the doctor along with your passport and she should be able to write you a recovery letter. Take an appointment on doctolib to organise this.


World Health Organisation tips for staying safe Public Health Statistics

Government pandemic update in english.

Government Pandemic update in french

Europe Travel Restrictions


Government update on Vaccine :

Europe wide Virus Tracking OUR WORLD in Data